Study Less and Study Smart
An effective lecture on how to study less and study smart. If you have got the time of 1 hour and are interested in learning this concept then do visit the link where Marty Lobdell (Author of Study Less and Study Smart) teaches it in an elaborate manner Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart - YouTube OR YOU CAN SURELY READ THE GIST I HAVE COMPILED WITH FEW ADDITIONS OF MY OWN IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE… 1. Break your study time into blocks of 20 – 25 minutes. a. Eg: If you want to study for 5 to 6 hours then plan the syllabus to be studied and break it into 5 to 6 parts. Now study each part for 30 mins with a short break in between two consecutive blocks. b. During break you could listen to song, watch a short video, talk to friend or anything recreational. But remember to sit back to studying within 5-10 minutes. c. ...