
Showing posts from January, 2022

Study Less and Study Smart

          An effective lecture on how to study less and study smart. If you have got the time of 1 hour and are interested in learning this concept then do visit the link where Marty Lobdell (Author of Study Less and Study Smart) teaches it in an elaborate manner Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart - YouTube OR YOU CAN SURELY READ THE GIST I HAVE COMPILED WITH FEW ADDITIONS OF MY OWN IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE… 1.       Break your study time into blocks of 20 – 25 minutes. a.        Eg: If you want to study for 5 to 6 hours then plan the syllabus to be studied and break it into 5 to 6 parts. Now study each part for 30 mins with a short break in between two consecutive blocks. b.       During break you could listen to song, watch a short video, talk to friend or anything recreational. But remember to sit back to studying within 5-10 minutes. c.     ...

A boy with empty dreams...

A boy stood at the middle of nowhere. People discriminated him as an orphaned child while God never stopped to amaze him. Puppies with dirt smeared all over their bodies walked around him. Some had bare skin ripped off by the whip of a stick while some had deep cuts inscribed by the sins of human beings. House flies and the Flesh flies were the happiest tiny little creatures buzzing around those wounded flesh. A few puppies rolled on the boy and some licked his legs while he stared at the falling stars with an empty wish. What could a child without anything even think of??? A child born somewhere but now belongs to nowhere is how he is seen by the other orphaned people who stayed at nights with him. When asked they whispered in the ears, “This child was mercilessly thrown in this dustbin while those who looked at him at last ran away even while they heard the baby crying out loud. How could any human being be so rude to a child???”. The old man approximately in his 80s age not abando...