Tracing back the money we pay!!!
Have you ever wondered what is the true meaning of “EDUCATED ILLITERATES”??? We often boast ourselves that we are educated and that we have the royal taglines of MSc, MTech, MPhil, PhD and so on. Most of us even mock ourselves that whatever we learn in these professional degrees or not but the taglines will surely come in handy during marriages. Is the education only limited to a match-making ceremony or just to create an image in the village that we are studying more than others??? Its so unfortunate that we grow to have the degrees in hand but still fail to understand the true meaning of education. So, what is the true meaning or purpose of the education??? The irony is - we know to read but don’t know what to read., we know to write but we don’t know what to write. We are blessed with learnings of ABCDE but are cursed with the lack of knowledge how to use them. Why am I saying all these??? Just a single day of oppression and inequality can change the way we think. Bu...