The Internet Paradox

 Is Internet consuming us??? Are we giving up ourselves to the data mining strategies of corporates??? or is it a thought of heart that we are deviating from the essence of Data Utilization?

This is the year 2021, just in case we forget that it’s been 5 years for the internet revolution that brought in new way of understanding data consumption and internet usage. Thanks to Jio platforms, it successfully created a legendary idea of buying the time of every individual with their so called investments on networks and internet provisions.

What has happened after they brought in a wave of internet surge in the poorly, undernourished lives of people of India in case of internet usage???

In the place of Rs.250 for 1 GB data alone we are now able to see Rs.3 per 1 GB of data and additionally with unlimited data. Shouldn’t these numbers amaze us in terms of development and modernizing world???

India’s population is around 136 crores approx. and 76 crore people use smartphones among them. There are different aged people who use them and may be anyone of men or women. If we assume Jio and Airtel to lead the country with highest wireless subscriptions then we see 40 crore and 33 crore subscribers in India, totaling up to 73 crores of wireless subscriptions probably with monthly or quarterly or yearly subscription of data and voice calls. (Because these days we are hard to find people using only data or only calls)

A fairly executable data+call plan in any network right now should probably range up to Rs.2400 per year with a daily 2 GB data, unlimited voice calls and 100sms per day.

This means an individual wanting to download a 720p high resolution video of 1 hour requires approx. 200mb data, indicating he could download 10 hours of content from WorldWideWeb to watch by himself. Now what if I say you that a normal working person, a student, a teacher, a homemaker, a professional or any person for that matter can’t really spend 10 hours a day in just watching videos, surfing or browsing. You might argue with me, yeah one day or one week is fine but surely not one year though.

So now what does he do with the remaining data every day???

The probable answer I would get is he doesn’t care about its wastage when he is damn sure about how much he is loosing for that. Yeah sure, he only looses Rs.3 per day if he doesn’t use any of the 2 GB data quota.

What if I say we are being fools by loosing that very pinch of money to the corporates???

We are doing any one of the mistake –

 (Except the greatest mistake of selling precious time to the corporates and their tactics)

1)      We are either underutilizing the internet data, in which case we need to efficiently utilize the whole amount of data and clean the plates for that day quota of internet. OR

2)      We are overutilizing our money, in which case we are being unrealistic, impractical and unfit for better survival.

Now what if I say you that in both cases we seem unfit to move further with an efficient resource utilization concept???

Any resource (internet in this case) for that matter is a limited baggage, if we feel we are being given so called “Unlimited” data then it surely does come with a cost. “We cant spend the data without surfing” – it means to say that whenever we begin surfing we loose our credibility in terms of privacy and that a whole new domain and arena to discuss and plunder about. But what needs to be said here is we need to understand the very concept of limited usage so as to support ourselves in many ways.

How does limited usage support us?

1)      Morally – we can assure ourselves of a friend in need (internet) whenever required. Minimum usage creates a secure feeling.

2)      Socially – the more we try to extract the unknown world, the more we loose our surroundings. (risky)

3)      Scientifically – Survival of fittest (use it if you really want it or else concentrate that time, money and patience where it is necessary)

4)      Logically – u could always buy more when needed, why to buy and waste???

5)      Economically – Rs.3 might not be anything to you for a day but it accumulates for the 100s of days you don’t use those data. Also, such mentality of only Rs.3 will get combined and adds up to lakhs of rupees blindly donating not to charity but to a wealthy rich man.

So does this needs to be implemented?

Not surely, the idea of the way internet revolution has created a paradox in our minds is what I want everyone to understand and accept openly. I wish to see people saying boldly without any regret that internet has never wasted my time, it has never came in between my relationships and it has never tried to ruin my development.

If people are bold in saying so, then I’m sure we have found the fittest people on earth who can outweigh the bad intentions of such giant corporates.

Note : this is just a spark of idea, it may be wrong to some people or right to some people. I just had to bring it infront of the readers. It’s just to think by yourself. There are much more views and attributes to add, if ever we find them in proper channel without much debates, ill be sure to upload them too...

-         Abhishek Hirewodeyar