Hyperloop or Public troops???


Are we miscalculating our needs of transport system for the future days??? Are we deviating from the notion of sustainable development???

India grows on to be an ever populating country unless a government or a revolution pops in for “One Child Policy” or so…

With this ever increasing population is the country has to adopt a favorable and sustainable transport system for the future then what can be the ways????

India accounts for only 18.1% of public transport and the highest being 68% of public transport in Kenya and second being Russia with 54% of public transport. India allowed testing of “Hyperloop” – a joint effort of SpaceX and Tesla from Pune to Mumbai which is under progress now. Hyperloop seems to be a kind of private mode of transport where numerous pods take people from one place to another. Now for world and for India to be sustainable, is the private transport supposed to be concentrated on???

What all makes private transport such as Hyperloop an option which we shouldn’t really consider right now???

1)      The cost of functioning and establishment of the system.

2)      The deviation from sustainability criteria where public transport is more favorable than private transport system.

3)      The more issues of transport system, especially the congestion of people is seen in city areas than the outer limits. i.e, more traffic is seen inside city mobility than the inter-city transport where trains and buses can be utilized.


What I wish to say is, we need to concentrate more on public transport system and its enhancement rather than allowing futuristic ideas to create illusions in young minds of youthful India… This is the same where we say 5G network is being tested even when many remote places still lack proper 2G, 3G and 4G connections. Many of us might have realized the true issue of internet connections in the lockdown itself…

So now first we need to analyze why people don’t really prefer public transport?

 (Notably many public buses travel without seats daily)

1)      No proper connectivity from one place to another ( like exactly from one area to another area).

2)      No timely availability when we actually require.

3)      No cleanliness with lack of hygiene.

4)      No safety and improper behavior of many people in public.

5)       With this new digital era, people truly don’t carry money and particularly the exact amount they ask ( what we locally call as “chillar”)

So now since we have seen the issues, we need to compare the odds of improving the public transport system compared with the private transport systems and its investments…

I may not have researched much about costs and labour required in these projects but im sure everyone can agree with me that all those above 5 points can be well corrected and well implemented than investing crores of rupees on the “white elephant”…

So how can we do that???

1)      Introduce efficient digital transaction system with localized accounts for each district which hasn’t been implemented till now. (this also reduces “chillar vyavahaar” and liquefies a post of conductor – this is not too futuristic – a bus without conductors can be a reality )

2)      Improvise public transport vehicles to energy efficient modes – like Electric and solar vehicles which truly support sustainable development.

3)      Increase number of vehicles and their time gap between stops. Then introduce a concept of “one per seat” i.e, a bus only needs to fill people equal to the number of seats – which can be carried forward from these covid conditions being implemented.

4)      Regular inspections, safety checking and public response teams need to function vigilantly.

As of now these issues can somewhat rectify the public transport system. I say there is not much costs incurred in these solutions, only human resource needs to be mobilized where they now sit inefficient…

So imagine India has progressed in these issues and a whole new model of public transport has been put in place, but what if we don’t see people in the buses again???

Because of the public mentality – which needs to change a lot. The preconception, the image built about the system and the miscalculations need to change like the one and only -

1)      The first issue we face is the pride of private vehicles – each one of us feel proud to buy a vehicle of our own and enjoy the pleasure with the solo rides, couple rides or family rides… but isn’t there any country which has proved this thinking wrong?

Yes there are countries – especially Russia where travelling in public transport is a pride and a soothing experience. They truly have a different mentality than us about public transport. (Now don’t say that we don’t have such good transport, that’s why my pretext was to imagine if it was developed.)


This love and passion of buying bikes, cars is a new trend being followed inspired by the role models many choose…


It’s almost directly linked,


India has most youth population – most youths choose Film stars and Cricketers as their true role models – those role models have lots of money to spend on such fancies – now directly most youths are influenced one or the other way to enjoy and experience the pride again and again…


Any process will surely have two models –

1)      Top-Down model

2)      Bottom-Up model

Top-Down model is the external influence that changes the minds of us and the bottom-up model is the internal realization that creates a true understanding of what it really is…

Now what can be called as Top-Down model?

1)      Scrappage policy of 2021 by Indian government can be the first example – it creates a mindset in at least few people of why to buy private vehicle with lakhs of rupees only to end them in garbage in just 10 years ( just an example)

2)      Huge road tax, increased insurance payments for unused vehicles.

3)      Rule of “No second hand buying” ( where no vehicles can be brought for second hand )

4)      No petrol / diesel private vehicles ( this indirectly improves both public transport and electric vehicles)

These may be some of those many points that we have thought,,, but to implement these we need a true necessity of change – something like the revolutionary Jio which compelled every individual to go for it.

Many corporate companies may find irritating when such public development and sustainability issues are being taken up, but to run one of the largest economies of the world, the role of corporates cannot be overseen – for these measures like investment share, deadline for private vehicle production, attracting investments and channelizing ideas for better public transport systems etc.

Note:  these are my personal views and I stand by the fact that each one of us have a different thoughts about a concept. But for those who feel these issues truly alarming and could add few points, they are welcome.

 - Abhishek Hirewodeyar