The God and the Devil
The age old convictions designate God as the creator of earth and of the life on earth. We believe that during the descent of god even the devil had put its feet on earth so as to counteract the good and the right way. According to Christianity, God surely did not create the devil but he did give the options to Adam Eve to choose their own path or follow the path of their creator. This was the time when devil showed up and created a deception of what really a human could be without the chains of restrictions, thus abandoning the very words of god and in turn creating a conflicting world with rivalries over light, life and liberty. There’s always a necessity to know what truly the human beings deserve and why they victimize the devil to be unpleasant and cruel??? To put on with a layman’s words, god was personified by our forefathers to help build a positive approach towards life when someone was hurt and the devil was an illusion created by the people to protect their interests...